Agro-Nectar Group


"Agro-Nectar Group"



is a company active in various services and commercial field. Its establishment was on 1990 pursuant to Sudan Companies act of 1925. We are fully committed to modern management appr

Our philosophy: In a market characterized by great change, high competitiveness costs and great technological concentration, Agro-Nectar Group has succeeded in becoming one of the foremost agriculture companies in Sudan.

oaches enhanced by qualified and innovative managerial staff.

Agro-Nectar Group has for; offer a wide range of products & services to suit diverse agricultural needs and healthcare aspects. The range includes wide spectrum of Agrochemicals products distribution (Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, and Nematicides), production of high quality seeds (sorghum, Millet, Maize, Sesame and Groundnuts), and offering high level of cleaning services & pest control through the implementation of our Environmental Management System.