Effect of Breed, Sex and Age on Body Measurements of Sudanese Camels (Camelusdromedarius)

1Ishag, I.A., 2Eisa, M.O. and 3Ahmed, M.K.A.
1Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sinnar.
2Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Omdurman Islamic University
3Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Faculty of Animal Production,
University of Khartoum, Sudan.

Abstract: Data on body measurements and weight were obtained on 274 camels (different ecotypes).
The purpose of this study was to determine factors affecting body measurements of Sudanese camel
breeds and re-grade those camels according to their morphological traits. The results of this study
showed that average barrel girth, heart girth, height at shoulders and body weight were 2.45± 0.02
m; 2.02± 0.01 m; 1.90± 0.01 m and 463.25± 4.90 kg respectively. The results also revealed that
phenotypic measurements were significantly influenced by type of camel and age group. The Shanbali
camel recorded the highest values of barrel girth, heart girth and body weight, followed by those of
the Kenani camel. Rashaidi, Anafi and Bishari camel breeds recorded the lowest values. Regarding
to the age groups the camels in the second group 7 to 9 years had significantly the highest values of
phenotypic measurements, followed by those of the third group 10 to 12 years, while the animals in
the first group 4 to 6 years recorded the lowest values. Moreover, the results showed that the sex of
camel significantly affected the heart girth, height at shoulders and body weight; and the males had
significantly higher (P< 0.5) values than those of females. The study concluded that the Shanbali and
Kenani camels are the largest Sudanese camel breed followed by Maalia and Maganeen camels.

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